Jina langu ni Fetty kutokea Ubungo, kabla sijamaliza chuo nilimpata mbaba (sijui kama ana watoto nimefatilia sijapata) ana miaka 35, mimi 22, kazi yake ni mwalimu, kusema kweli awali alinipenda…
Kutoka kudharauliwa kibiashara hadi kuingiza mizogo kutokea China
Jina langu ni Hemedy kutokea Mwanza mjini, ni mfanyabiashara ambaye nimefanikiwa sana lakini safari yangu tangu mwanzo kabisa haikuwa rahisi, ilinibidi kupamba sana na kujitoa kuliko ilivyo kawaida. Awali nilikuwa…
Drama!! Top Poltician Caught Doing This With His Female Personal Assistant
A prominent politician has found himself at the center of a major scandal after being caught in a compromising situation with his female personal assistant. The shocking revelation, which has…
Horror!! Pastor Gets Attacked By Bees For Eating Church Money, See What Happened
A shocking incident has left a local church in turmoil after a pastor was attacked by a swarm of bees, allegedly as a form of divine punishment for misusing church…
Afumaniwa akichepuka na Bosi wake akiwa mjamzito
Jina langu ni Aisha kutokea Mbagala, tatizo langu lilikuwa tangu nipate mimba, nilikuwa natamani sana ule mchezo kila muda lakini changamoto ilikuwa ni kwamba mume walikwa ndio wale wanaume ambao…
Struggling to Get Hired for Years Until a Catch a Job Spell Changed Everything
Finding a stable job had become my biggest challenge. I had attended numerous interviews, sent out countless applications, and faced rejection after rejection. Each time, I thought I was getting…
Good News Women!! See How You Can Improve Your Bed Room Performance & Satisfy Your Man
Every woman desires to feel confident and fulfilled in her relationship, especially when it comes to intimacy. However, various factors such as stress, self-doubt, past experiences, or even a lack…
Catch a Thief Spell Helped Me Recover Everything Stolen from My House
There is nothing more frustrating than working hard to build a home, only for thieves to break in and take everything you’ve worked for. That is exactly what happened to…